Monday, 31 October 2016

Introducing: Josh! (Junglebookjesy)

I have followed this next person for quite a while, his name is Josh and he runs a Little Mix fan account on Instagram. Now, you don't have to be a fan of Little Mix to read this interview, but I asked to speak to him as he often shares positive messages about confidence and has helped a lot of younger people be more true to who they are due to him speaking about them. It was such a pleasure talking to him and with his ever growing followers, he has impacted a lot of people.

Hello! Introduce yourself, how old are you, where are you from?

Hello! My name is Joshua, but I prefer Josh. I am 18 and I live in Los Angeles, California.

Describe yourself in 3 words, so people can get to know you a bit more

I will like to say i'm caring, loving, and bubbly

You run a Little Mix fan account, what made you decide to create one?

If I am completely honest, it was something to do on my free time. I never expected to get were I am today. Two years later, I have 24,000 followers and growing each day, it's a little insane if you think about it, haha!

Speaking of Little Mix, are you excited for the new era?

I am very, very excited for the new era. The aesthetic of it all is absolutely breath taking!

In the captions of your photos, you sometimes post messages of positivity. Have you got a message for anyone reading this?

I have gotten plenty of dm's before regarding my captions, and to think a paragraph or two make people smile, change their whole demeanor of life changing because of me, is insane, but I am forever grateful.

What makes you happy?

I get happy over the simplest things in life. Buy me Starbucks I am so happy, even just being my friend makes me happy!

Recently, you started a YouTube channel. How are you finding that? What sort ofof response has it been getting?

The response honestly is very positive, thinking that on Youtube there are very opinionated people! But, it's been getting really good feedback, just need to film and post more oops!

What are your goals for the future?

I want to continue to spread love and positivity and maybe make some music! I am in the works of making an EP. It's not even close to being done, but the first song I am working on with my team is sounding absolutely insane and I am so excited!

Tea or coffee?

Gosh! I am a Starbucks fanatic, I could never choose between the two!

When did you start to realise that your account was taking off?

Right after the Black Magic music video shoot. People started to realize that I was in it, my account really took off!

What has been a positive change you have noticed about yourself?

Over the past two years, all the love and positivity that my followers give my account and I, has really brought my confidence really high. I am noticed that I am listening to the positive things other than the negative opinions that some people have on the social media platform.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Yes. Remember to always be true to yourself and always be happy with who you are! If someone doesn't like you, that's their problem. Hunty you must be doing something extraordinary for them to dislike you! Remember you don't get cute, you get drop dead gorgeous, can I get an amen! Again thank you for this opportunity!

I would like to thank Josh for speaking to me, I am so excited to see where he goes in the future and I wish him all the luck in the world!

If you would like to follow him:

Instagram: @junglebookjesy
Personal Instagram: @jvshxa
Twitter: @junglebookjesy
YouTube:   or  Aesthetic Josh

Thank you for reading! If you have anyone you would like me to interview, comment below or message me on any of my social media!

Twitter: @m_brown199
Instagram: @m.brown199

Megan x

Monday, 24 October 2016

Introducing: Bronnie!

Bronnie is a pop/punk singer whose personality is bubbly and friendly. I got the pleasure of seeing and meeting her in Newcastle and she was genuinely excited to meet us. Her creative mashup and great vocals had me hooked from the start. I got the chance to speak to Bronnie so you can get to know her better!

(All photo credit goes to @lswaphotos on twitter and instagram) 

Introduce yourself! How old are you, where are you from?

Helloooooo! I'm 18 and from Liverpool!

How did you get into music? Have you always wanted to be in the industry?

Since a young kid I've been singing and dancing on stage doing musical theatre! Then slowly made the transition from musical theatre to singing when I was 15:)

You are currently on Josh Taylor's 'Hot For Me' tour, how are you finding it?

I'm having a blast!!! Josh is an awesome guy!

Have you got any fun facts and/or secret talents?

I used to be double jointed!!... But I'm not anymore 

Your hair is amazing, a lot of people love the colour! Have you ever been any other colour or do you want to go a different colour?

Thanks! I love having colourful hair! I've been every colour under the rainbow.. LITERALLY!!

What makes you happy?

Music and my fans make me happy:)

When writing songs, where do you take your inspiration/s from? What is the process?

I write songs only when I'm inspired and I love writing songs based on films like American pie etc!

Tea or coffee?

BOTH!! But caramel coffee rocks my socks!

When meeting fans around the country, do you ever struggle to understand the accent since some can be so strong?

Not yet but maybe in Glasgow or Dublin haha!

When touring, is having more acts better or is it the rule of 'less is more'?

I think it's better!!:) its fun with a lot of people backstage!

For new fans, is there anything you would like to say?

Welcome to the fam! Old or new you're a legendary BRONDOG!

You have a new single out, would you like to tell us about it? Where can we find it?

I have a new Halloween single called Scared much? You can find it on itunes, Spotify, YouTube etc!! I love seasonal songs.. I also have a Valentine's Day song and a Christmas song 

Thank you Bronnie for partaking in this interview and wish her massive luck on the rest of the tour. If you would like to find out more, here are her social media links: 

Don't forget to check out Bronnie's new single (and all her other seasonal singles) 'Scared Much?' Just in time for Halloween!

Megan x

Twitter: @m_brown199
Instagram: m.brown199